20 GB • 15710 Live Played Drumloops
Product Details/Specs:
• 15710 Live Played Drumloops | • 20 GB |
• 60 BPM – 265 BPM | • 100% Royalty Free |
Product Details/Specs:
The backbone and foundation of any rock production would be lost without someone banging on the drums. Ultimate powerful drum sounds, grooves and fills dominate this impressive Pro Drums Rock library. Recorded as multitrack recordings with up to 20 microphones. These inspiring drum performances rock a lush and fat sound with no need for further processing.
Whether as the driving force of your track or as subtle support in your mix. Nothing can push your groove like fat rock drums! You can rely on Pro Drums Rock! From Pros for Pros
Pro Drums Rock Inside / Walkthrough Video:
In this video, we show you very precisely how the product is structured and give you important info regarding content.
The Structure:
Each BPM / folder consists of several drum grooves and fills
and contains a mixed stereo drum loop, pre mixed groups and all individual tracks as a dry version – including kick in / out, kick PZM, snare bottom / top, hi-hats, toms, overheads and room near & far microphones.
Every loop contains tempo information. They are pre-mixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. They have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top quality studio equipment, with sound optimized and recorded in 24 Bit and 44.1 KHz.
With each BPM drum performance you will get a huge selection of different loops, all of which work well together or can be used individually. All loops of a drum performance can easily be combined. Thus you can select loops for a complete song or just use a sample for your song – all within seconds. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, enabling a fast workflow, which, of course, is essential in music production.
The Recording Studio:
All drum recordings were made at the legendary Horus recording studio in both Recording Room A & B.
Recording Room A features a traditional warm vintage sound. Its different surfaces range from brick to glass and wood. Perfect for warm drums.
The power of drums is experienced in Recording Room B. Build especially for this purpose it´s open and punchy sound gave heart and soul to countless numbers of rock records.
Artist Credits
All drums were played by Stephan Emig
Recorded by Arne Neurand
Video cut & edits by Andre Bollweg
Video recordings by Joschi
Pro Drum Series Trailer
Important: Please note that except the drums all instruments are for demonstration purposes only and not part of the library. All guitars are from our Image Sounds Loop Library: Rock Guitars